Over the last two weeks, I have been working on two main projects. The first was the Teacher Schedule Titles project. In this, I wrote a script (in JavaScript) that set the "title" attribute of each teacher on the Northgate Staff Directory page to a String representing their schedule. This is an example:
The title appears by simply hovering over the teacher's name! Go to the Northgate Staff Directory and hover over a teacher's name to try it yourself! The script accomplishes this by cycling through all the elements that have class="teacher". I have a 2D array filled with all of the teachers' schedules' information (called teacherSchedules).
s The second project (that I completed just two days ago) was an online version of the Northgate Referral Form. Previously, referrals worked by having a teacher fill out an annoying piece of paper, sending it up to the office, and getting the paper lost. Ultimately, the communication involved in the referring process was terrible. To fix this, I wrote a script (in Google's own special programming language) that turns the referral form into a Google Form, and sends concise emails to everyone involved to minimize actual paper being tossed around. My method allows not only for the teacher to get a copy of all the referral information. The Google Form looks like this:
This code formats the email to be sent to the teacher who submitted the referral and the chosen administrator:
This code includes a "confirm action" button for the administrator:
When the administrator clicks "confirm action", they are brought to this page:
Many other high schools are interested in implementing this referral system. Soon I will help them customize it for their schools.